Assignment01 Recreate B&W Movie Scene

This is my first time to use NURBS modeling. In my previous study, I learned NURBS modeling algorithm. I probably knew that the control point controlled the curve, and then the curve modeled the basic process. This course and this assignment is a challenge for me. I will study, familiarize and apply the technology of environmental modeling under the guidance of the assignment to make a standard book for future games.
Learning the Basic Commands of NURBS Modeling   
There are two kinds of control curves, one is using edit points, the other is using control points.         
After the curve is generated, a closed tool can be used to make the curve closed and reconstructed. The curve with uniform curvature and regular distribution of control points can be obtained.         
The two curves can be synthesized by adding a curve point, or separated into two curves by adding curve points.   
curved surface         
Surface can be formed by lofting of two curves or by rotation of curves.            Complete surfaces can also be separated into two independent surfaces by adding reference lines. Two surfaces can also be synthesized by additional commands. But I often have unknown BUG when appending, which may be related to the subdivision mesh and direction of the surface and the length of the reference line. Surface can also be combined by stitching, but when stitching, BUG often appears at points and lines.         
Surfaces can be intersected first and then cut to obtain special shapes, such as digging a circular hole in the surface.         
Rounding tools can also form rounded edges between surfaces, but rounding tools often fail to select objects. I used the chamfering tool instead of the rounding tool, but the parameters need to be further studied.         
Surface adjustment can be done by selecting control vertices and moving vertices. It can also be related to the degree of fineness of the sculpture tool and the degree of surface fineness through the sculpture tool. The more surface subdivision, the wider the range of sculpture tools can operate. 
Historical record         
A curve generates a historical record after it forms a surface. It can continue to control the shape of the surface through the curve. Although the shape of the surface can be easily controlled, there will be asynchronism in the later zooming and translation. Therefore, after determining the shape of the surface, it is necessary to delete the history records in time and disconnect the parent-child relationship. Aspect follow-up operation.         

Surfaces can be operated uniformly after grouping. When possible, they can be scaled and moved in a unified local coordinate system, which can ensure that the relative relationship remains unchanged. If no grouping is selected directly, the scaling and movement caused by different coordinate systems will not be synchronized.         

Models can be adjusted separately by adding selected objects to layers and controlling visibility and invisibility.         

Outline view         
You can see the current model very clearly, and you can see the grouping information and the model name.         

Each set of models should be named according to its function and location and named after the group for later adjustment.

Choice of Movies         
I chose Chaplin's classic and black-and-white movies, modern times and selected the following pictures.

 There are too many details in the wooden cabin in this photo to map.
This screenshot seems simple, but bricks and windows need to be stacked with Nurbs cubes, which is a huge amount of work.

     These two pictures show too much detail and too much work in the house.                  Finally, I chose this one.

I chose this photo to take photos of similar street corners at school or on the streets of byan for restoration. The objects I'm going to model are the trash can, the coffee shop, the car, and the back wall is replaced with the background of the photo according to the actual situation.

These two pictures were taken by me at school, similar to the movie scene, but the perspective and distance relationship of the first picture and the scene in the film did not match. Finally, I chose the second picture as the object of restoration.

First, I divide the model into several small parts, using layer visibility and invisibility settings to model, and finally grouping and forming a whole scene.            
1. Garbage Bin --- Top           
                        --- tube            
                       --- bottom            

2. Coffee Shop--Curtains            
                         |--- Four pillars            
                         | ---The walls on the left and right            
                         | - --Glass and window frames           
                         | ---Two rows of tiles facing me            

3. Street - - - Road            
               -- steps            
4. Car 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trash Can

Coffe Shop

Bubble Car





Final Output Image 


Blend Effect Picture



Moon Island --- Final Project of Rendering and Shading class

Walkway and Temple Generater Tool

Assignment04 Rebuild Mark Twain's House