VIZA 616 Rendering and Shading Grape
VIZA 616 Rendering and Shading, Spring2020
Recreate the pattern of grapes, Jiaqi Cui
Render Image just use PxrConstant(BaseColor)
Render us PxrSurface
Added ClearCoat,SubSurface,RoughReflection, and Glass refrection/reflection
Analysis before starting
Step1. Setting Base Color
// VIZA 616 Rendering and Shading, 2020 Spring //
// by Jiaqi Cui//
shader grape(float minDistance = 0.0,
float maxDistance = 0.0,
color dark_baseColor = color(0,0,0),
color pale_baseColor = color(0,0,0),
string space = "world",
output float blend = 0.0,
output float dist = 0.0,
output color resultRGB = 0)
point PP = transform(space,P);
dist = distance(PP,point(0,0,0));
blend = smoothstep(minDistance,maxDistance,dist);
resultRGB = mix(pale_baseColor,dark_baseColor,blend);
Step 1.1 Setting gradient color from center to ends
shader gradient(float minheight = 1.25,
float maxheight = 2.5,
color mincolor = color(1,0,0),
color maxcolor = color(0,1,0),
output color resultRGB = 0)
point localOrigin = transform("object",P);
float width = abs(localOrigin[0]);
float height = abs(localOrigin[1]);
float depth = abs(localOrigin[2]);
float blend = smoothstep(minheight, maxheight, height);
resultRGB = mix(mincolor, maxcolor, blend);
Step1.2 Adding small stripes
shader stripe(float minheight = 1.25,
float maxheight = 2.5,
color minBaseColor = color(1,0,0),
color maxBaseColor = color(0,1,0),
color stripeColor = color(0,1,1),
output color resultRGB = 0,
float freq = 10,
float s = 0 [[int lockgeom = 0]]
point localOrigin = transform("object",P);
float x = localOrigin[0];
float y = localOrigin[1];
float z = localOrigin[2];
float width = abs(x);
float height = abs(y);
float depth = abs(z);
float blend = smoothstep(minheight, maxheight, height);
color baseColor = mix(minBaseColor, maxBaseColor, blend);
float stripeSwitch = sin(s*2*M_PI*freq);
resultRGB = mix(baseColor,stripeColor*0.2,stripeSwitch*blend);
Step1.3 Adding Small white voronoi Noise
float dist2cell(point p, string spacename, float freq, float jitter) {
point pp = transform(spacename, p) * freq;
point thiscell = point(floor(pp[0]) + 0.5,
floor(pp[1]) + 0.5,
floor(pp[2]) + 0.5);
float dist2nearest = 1000;
int i,j,k;
for(i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1)
for(j = -1; j <= 1; j += 1)
for(k = -1; k <= 1; k += 1) {
point testcell = thiscell + vector(i,j,k);
point pos = testcell + (noise("cell", testcell) * jitter) - 0.5;
float dist = distance(pos, pp);
if(dist < dist2nearest)
dist2nearest = dist;
return dist2nearest;
shader cell(float minheight = 1.25,
float maxheight = 2.5,
color minBaseColor = color(1,0,0),
color maxBaseColor = color(0,1,0),
color stripeColor = color(0,1,1),
output color resultRGB = 0,
float freq = 10,
float s = 0 [[int lockgeom = 0]],
string spacename = "object",
float cellfreq = 5,
float radius = 0.15,
float blur = 0.1,
float jitter = 1,
output float resultMask = 0,
color patcolor = color(1,0,1),
point localOrigin = transform("object",P);
float x = localOrigin[0];
float y = localOrigin[1];
float z = localOrigin[2];
float width = abs(x);
float height = abs(y);
float depth = abs(z);
float blend = smoothstep(minheight, maxheight, height);
color baseRGB = mix(minBaseColor, maxBaseColor, blend);
float stripeSwitch = sin(s*2*M_PI*freq);
color stripeRGB = mix(baseRGB,stripeColor*0.2,stripeSwitch*blend);
float d = dist2cell(P, spacename, cellfreq, jitter);
float resultF = 1 - smoothstep(radius, radius + blur, d);
resultRGB = mix(stripeRGB, patcolor, 0.2*resultF);
Step 1.4 Adding vfbm Noise to simulate color variant and specualr color
vector vfBm (point p, float filtwidth, float octaves, float lacunarity, float gain)
float amp = 1;
point pp = p;
vector sum = 0;
float fw = filtwidth;
float i;
for (i = 0; i < octaves; i += 1)
sum += amp * snoise (pp, fw);
amp *= gain;
pp *= lacunarity;
fw *= lacunarity;
return sum;
float voronoi(point p, string spacename, float freq, float jitter) {
point pp = transform(spacename, p) * freq;
point thiscell = point(floor(pp[0]) + 0.5,
floor(pp[1]) + 0.5,
floor(pp[2]) + 0.5);
float dist2nearest = 1000;
int i,j,k;
for(i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1)
for(j = -1; j <= 1; j += 1)
for(k = -1; k <= 1; k += 1) {
point testcell = thiscell + vector(i,j,k);
point pos = testcell + (noise("cell", testcell) * jitter) - 0.5;
float dist = distance(pos, pp);
if(dist < dist2nearest)
dist2nearest = dist;
return dist2nearest;
shader vfbmShader(
//basic gradient color input
float graMinheight = 1.25,
float graMaxheight = 2.5,
color graMinBaseColor = color(1,0,0),
color graMaxBaseColor = color(0,1,0),
//stripe color input
color stripeColor = color(0,1,1),
float stripeMix = 0.08,
float stripeFreq = 10,
float s = 0 [[int lockgeom = 0]],
//voronoi noise input
string spacename = "object",
float vorCellfreq = 5,
float vorRadius = 0.15,
float vorBlur = 0.1,
float vorJitter = 1,
float vorMix = 0.06,
color vorPatcolor = color(1,0,1),
//vfBm noise input
float fbmFreq = 1,
float fbmFiltwidth = 1,
float fbmOctaves = 1,
float fbmLacunarity = 1,
float fbmGain = 1,
float fbmMix = 0.1,
color fbmColor = color(0),
output color resultRGB = 0,
point localOrigin = transform("object",P);
float x = localOrigin[0];
float y = localOrigin[1];
float z = localOrigin[2];
float width = abs(x);
float height = abs(y);
float depth = abs(z);
float blend = smoothstep(graMinheight, graMaxheight, height);
color baseRGB = mix(graMinBaseColor, graMaxBaseColor, blend);
float stripeSwitch = sin(s*2*M_PI*stripeFreq);
color stripeRGB = mix(baseRGB,stripeColor,stripeMix*stripeSwitch*blend);
//voronoi noise
float d = voronoi(P, spacename, vorCellfreq, vorJitter);
float resultF = 1 - smoothstep(vorRadius, vorRadius + vorBlur, d);
color voronoiColor = mix(stripeRGB, vorPatcolor, vorMix*resultF);
// vfbm noise
point PP = transform(spacename,P);
vector fbmNoise = vfBm(PP*fbmFreq, fbmFiltwidth,fbmOctaves, fbmLacunarity, fbmGain);
float fbmFillter = fbmNoise[1];
resultRGB = mix(voronoiColor,fbmColor,fbmMix*fbmFillter);
P.S. Also planning to use Voronoi Noise creating ambient occlusion and roughness
tried to make it looks translucent, but RenderMan can't use translucent yet. I've considered using PxrDisney to create the effect of specular and translucent. But I think I should write shader by myself rather than use exists shaders. I'm planning to learn light and shadow in the future.
Step2. Setting models and light
After the "expert section", I learned more features of Renderman and PxrSurface. So I start to add more things in my grape not only the base color.
I used a clear coat to make a feel of thin.
And a little bit glass refraction and reflection to make my grape looks organic and translucent.
Here are my shading nodes.
Base color Image:
Final render Image: